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The Palette-Window lets you create, modify, load and save a
locked Palette used by the Processor while rendering images.
File file to load/save palettes
Load load the palette from the selected file,
Save save the current palette to disk
Red, Green, Blue values of the current selected palette-entry
Copy duplicate the current color
Exchange exchange two colors
Spread create a color-transition between two colors
Undo reset the last changed color to its previous value
State toggle the state of the Palette
Use make all performed changed permanent
Cancel cancel all apllied changes
If the state of the Palette is enabled it will be used for all
forthcoming render-processes. This is very important if
you want to create animations with locked colors using
the Processor.
If you use a screendepth smaller than 8 no change of Palette
will be visible (indicated by changing screen-colors).
In the other case while pressing the right mouse-button the
normal screen-colors are used for the lower palette-entries
which is important to locate gadgets.